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Ruleset list layers

A completed ruleset list contains sublists of ruleset versions, arranged in two layers. The following table presents the order of the ruleset list.

Note: Order is significant at the layer, sublist level, and within each sublist.


Ruleset types


1 Personal

This ruleset, at the top of the ruleset list, holds rules checked out by the operator. Such rules are not visible to any requestor except those of operators who have the Allow Rule Checkout? check box selected on the Security tab of the Operator ID instance. The name of the ruleset matches the Operator ID.

This single ruleset has no version and is included implicitly when the system assembles the ruleset list at log-on. You do not need to reference the personal ruleset on the Access Group form or any other form.

2 Localized

If the application has been localized, rulesets with names ending in a locale suffix (such as _it_IT for Italian as spoken in Italy, or _fr_CA for French Canadian) display here.

Typically, these rulesets contain only field values. If the application has not been localized, this layer is empty.

3 Mobilized

Note: This ruleset is deprecated.

If the application has been extended to support mobile devices, rulesets with names ending in the suffix _mobile display in this layer. These rulesets contain portals, sections, flow actions, navigation rules, and controls that are selected by rule resolution when the HTTP User-Agent value indicates that an HTTP request is from a mobile device.

If the application has not been mobilized, this layer is empty.

4 Production

Ruleset versions (if any) listed in the Production Rulesets array on the Layout tab of the Access Group form.

5 Application (current)

Ruleset versions listed in the Application rulesets array on the General tab of the Application rule form for the current application. A branch ruleset (if any) displays immediately above the ruleset from which it branched.

Any shared or component ruleset versions listed in the Component and shared rulesets array on the General tab of the Application rule form for the current application, in the order they display on the tab.

The system assembles layers 5 and 6 from ruleset versions listed in the Application rulesets area of the General tab of any Application rule that it encounters during log-on when it processes the data instances that contribute to the rulesets list at login.

6 (multiple) Application (built-on)

Ruleset versions for built-on applications referenced in the current application rule. If an application references a lower built-on application, there is a layer for each application in the same relationship as the application rules, and the contents of the Component and shared rulesets area of application rules referenced through the Built on application(s) field are ignored.


Rulesets and versions as listed in the PegaRULES (or PegaDM) application rule that the application is ultimately built on, excluding the Pega-RULES ruleset version.


A version of the foundation rulesets.

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